Sunday, May 9, 2010

early readers

First, I have to tell you about an incredible author. I cannot tell you how much I love her books. Everyone ends so powerfully. I just read Starry Nights by her (Judith Clarke!) and was completely taken by surprised. I cried, I thought, I pondered. She is all about family, but so subtly, you don't realize the message until the story is through. Adults read these to yourselves first, and then share with your kids when you think they are old enough.

Start with Kalpana's Dream (Boston Globe-Horn Book Honors (Awards))
Kalpana's Dream

then try

One Whole and Perfect DayOne Whole and Perfect Day
(There are a few swear words in this one, but I think only three, and they are at the very beginning.)

Then try Starry Nights
Starry Nights

And here are some learning to read chapter books that are fabulous. All of these are series:

Cocoa and Cowgirl Kate by Erica Silverman

Houndsley and Catina by James Howe

Three series by Cynthia Rylant: Henry and Mudge/ Mr. Putter and Tabby/ Poppleton
(Pottleton is my favorite)

We also love Zelda and Ivy by Laura Kavsnovsky (a professor in my master's degree. Awesome)

Pearl and Wagner by Kate McMullin

Commander Toad by Jane Yolen

I am too lazy to post the pictures today, but get these books from the library if you have an emerging ready or a just getting going reader. They are awesome. Don't just read Frog and Toad!

(I seriously don't have the energy to edit this post. Please forgive typos. Mother's Day shouldn't be so tiring!)

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, my mom directed me toward your blog - you have some great recommendations, I will have to check them out!

    Have you ever read any Sharon Creech books? I am guessing you probably have, but if not I think you would love them... one of my FAVORITE JF authors.
