Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Thicker Than Water

So this is book two in a series. I didn't know this when I checked it out from the library for Shaemus. He didn't realize it until he was nearly done with it and he immediately asked I find book one for him.

He's loving it.

Here's his quote:

"It's about spies. They're trying to get this mind-control thingy before this spy company called Lotus, and the people in the S.P.I.E.S. thing are teenage kids. They're orphans at Merry Sunshine Orphanage. The main character is called Max and he has a friend called Wyatt and it's really exciting. Whoever steals it first wins. You should check it out."

Ages 8 and up.

Product Details

Just when Max Segredo learned that his father is still alive, he also learned that Simon Segredo was working for LOTUS, an evil spy operation that wants to take down the Merry Sunshine Orphanage (a.k.a. the School for S.P.I.E.S.) and take over the world. Now Simon is on the run from LOTUS, and Max's surrogate family at the orphange is being threatened from without and within. LOTUS is trying to drive the school out of business, while the Ministry of Health is investigating an anonymous complaint about the orphanage.To top it all off, the trainee spies are riddled by fear and squabbling among themselves.

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