Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We found a good 'un

I'm practicing my pirate speech.

Because we found a new book for boys third grade and up that we think is "really adventurous and it was awesome because you just have to keep on reading." (from Calvin)

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The High-Sky Adventures of Blue Jay the Pirate by Scott Nash.
The writing is great and the adventures are solid. Plus there are animals.

Now, I'd like to share a conversation I recently had with Shaemus.

Shaemus: "Mom, do you know why I like mysteries so much?"

Me, very excited because this seemed like a revelatory moment: "No, Shaemie, why?"

Shaemus: "I don't know either!"

With that kind of depth in mind, I would like to share three great mystery series especially good for boys, one for younger kids (5-6), one for older kids (6-8), and one for even older kids, (I don't know, say 9-up).

The High-Rise Private Eyes series by Cynthia Rylant
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Nate the Great by Marjorie Sharmat (I know, you probably know about this one, but Shaemus loves it.)
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Chasing Vermeer and its two sequels by Blue Balliet
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I really loved this series. I was pretty sucked in, and I think even those kids who don't "love" mysteries would love it too.

Any other mystery suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. Isaac recently read the pirate book too and also loved it. I wish we had a mystery-lover in our house. I loved mysteries as a kid...
